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Nashville, Tennessee

visual art

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My Story

Nashville artist exploring different methods and materials for creating art. 

Artist Statement and bio



The visual arts is an open field of possibilities.  Whether I get to work with mixed media or encaustic materials the process is always something new and different.  Working with different materials and processes keeps my interest and keeps me learning and growing. The completed artwork hopefully makes a statement, tells a story or at least leaves the viewer happier.  My faith, family and friends are the inspiration for the images I create; they are the harmony and the love.

Born in Atlanta, GA, I grew up in Texas, Germany and Tennessee. I started drawing and painting as a child and continued exploring art throughout my early education.  I continued studying art at Queens College, Charlotte NC and received a degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1984. 



"so much joy can be found in art"
Creating art opens up the world around you. It is finding the truth in what you see, its putting pieces together that make sense, its exploring.